Published Research
Troxel has received several awards and honors for her research from national and international scientific societies, and her work has been published in top-tier medical and psychological journals. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and private corporations and foundations. She has held leadership roles in several professional sleep societies, including the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society.
Gallo LC, Troxel WM, Matthews KA, McWilliams L, Kuller L, Sutton-Tyrrell K. Occupation and subclinical carotid artery disease in women: Are clerical workers at greater risk? Health Psychology, 22:19-29, 2003. PubMed PMID: 12558198.
Troxel WM, Matthews KA, Bromberger JT, Sutton-Tyrrell K. Chronic stress burden, discrimination, and subclinical carotid artery disease in African American and Caucasian women. Health Psychology, 22:300-9, 2003. PubMed PMID: 12790258.
Gallo LC, Troxel WM, Matthews KA, Kuller LH. Marital status and quality in middle-aged women: Associations with levels and trajectories of cardiovascular risk factors. Health Psychology, 22(5):453-63, 2003. PubMed PMID: 14570528.
Gallo LC, Troxel WM, Kuller L, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Edmundowicz D, Matthews KA. Marital status, marital quality, and atherosclerotic burden in postmenopausal women. Psychosomatic Medicine, 65(6):952-62, 2003. PubMed PMID: 14645772.
Troxel WM, Matthews KA. What are the costs of marital conflict and dissolution to children’s physical health? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 7:29-57, 2004. PubMed PMID: 15119687.
Troxel WM, Gallo LC, Matthews KA, Kuller LH. Marital quality and occurrence of the metabolic syndrome in women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(9):1022-7, 2005. PubMed PMID: 15883241.
Troxel WM, Cyranowski J, Hall M, Frank E, Buysse DJ. Attachment anxiety, relationship context, and sleep in major depressive disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 69:692-9, 2007. PMCID: PMC2723846
Troxel WM, Robles T, Hall M, Buysse DJ. Marital quality and the marital bed: Examining the covariation between relationship quality and sleep. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 11:389-404, 2007. PMID: 17854738; PMCID: PMC2644899.
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ, Hall M, Matthews, KA.. Marital Happiness and Sleep Disturbances in a Multi-Ethnic Sample of Middle-Aged Women. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 7: 2-19, 2009. PMCID: PMC2654623
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ, Hall M, Kamarck T, Owens JF, Strollo PJ, Reis SE, Matthews KA. Social integration, social contacts, and blood pressure dipping in African–Americans and whites. Journal of Hypertension, 28: 265-271, 2010. PMCID: PMC2864490
Troxel WM. It’s more than Sex: Exploring the dyadic nature of sleep and its implications for health. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72:578-586, 2010. PMCID: PMC2903649
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA, Kravitz HM, Bromberger JT, Sowers MF, Hall M. Marital/ Cohabitation Status and History in Relation to Sleep in Midlife Women. Sleep, 33:973-81, 2010. PMCID: PMC2894440.
Hasler BP and Troxel WM. Couples’ Nighttime Sleep Efficiency and Concordance: Evidence for Bidirectional Associations with Daytime Relationship Functioning. Psychosomatic Medicine, 72: 794-801, 2010. PMCID: PMC2950886
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ, Monk TE, Begley A, Hall M. Does social support differentially affect sleep in older adults with versus without insomnia? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 69:459-466, 2010. PMCID: PMC2958100.
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA, Kip KE, Strollo PJ, Hall M, Drumheller O, Reis SE. Sleep symptoms predict the development of the metabolic syndrome. Sleep, 33:1633-1640, 2010. PMID: 21120125. PMCID: PMC2982733
Troxel WM, and Germain A: Insecure attachment is an independent correlate of objective sleep disturbances in military veterans. Sleep Medicine, 12:860-865, 2011. PMCID: PMC3367508
Troxel WM, Kupfer DJ, Reynolds CF, Frank E, Thase M, Miewald J, and Buysse DJ. Insomnia and objectively measured sleep disturbances predict treatment outcome in depressed patients treated with psychotherapy or psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy combinations. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(4):478-85, 2012. PMCID: PMC3310298
Grandner MA, Hale L, Jackson N, Patel NP, Goonerante NS, Troxel WM. Perceived racial discrimination as an independent predictor of sleep disturbance and daytime fatigue. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 10:235-249, 2012.PMCID: PMC3434973
Troxel WM, Germain A, Buysse DJ. Clinical management of insomnia with Brief Behavioral Treatment (BBTI). Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 10(4):266-79, 2012. PMCID: PMC3622949.
Troxel WM, Trentacosta CJ, Forbes EE, Campbell SB. Negative emotionality moderates associations among attachment, toddler sleep, and later problem behaviors. Journal of Family Psychology. 27(1):127-36, 2013. PMCID: PMC3579637.
Levenson JC, Troxel WM, Begley A, Hall M, Germain A, Monk TH, and Buysse DJ: A quantitative approach to distinguishing older adults with insomnia from good sleeper controls. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 9(2):125-31, 2013. PMCID: PMC3544379
Troxel WM, Buysse D. Primary care intervention for primary insomnia. Journal of Primary Health Care. 5(1):4, 2013. PMID: 23457688.
Lewis TL, Troxel WM, Kravitz HM, Bromberger JT, Matthews KA, and Hall M. Chronic Exposure to Everyday Discrimination and Sleep in a Multi-Ethnic Sample of Middle-Aged Women. Health Psychology, 32(7):810-19, 2013. PMCID: PMC3654016
Troxel WM, Conrad TS, Germain A, and Buysse DJ. Predictors of Treatment Response to Brief Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia (BBTI) in Older Adults. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 9(12): 1281-9, 2013. PMCID: PMC3836339.
Troxel WM, Lee L, Hall M, Matthews KA. Single-parent family structure and sleep problems in black and white adolescents. Sleep Medicine. 15(2): 255-61, 2014. PMCID: PMC3933955.
Hale L, Troxel WM, Kravitz HM, Hall MH, Matthews KA. Acculturation and Sleep among a Multiethnic Sample of Women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Sleep. 37(2):309-17, 2014. PMID: 24497659; PMCID: PMC3900614.
Gunn HE, Troxel WM, Hall MH, Buysse DJ. Interpersonal distress is associated with sleep and arousal in insomnia and good sleepers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 76(3):242-8, 2014; doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2013.11.010. PMCID: PMC4018775.
Grandner MA, Knutson. KL, Troxel WM, Hale L, Jean-Louis G, Miller KE. Implications of sleep and energy drink use for health disparities. Nutrition Reviews. 72(S1):14-22, 2014. doi: 10.1111/nure.12137. PMID: 25293540; PMCID: PMC4264529.
Troxel WM, Booth M, Buysse DJ, Elliott MN, Suskind A, Clemens JQ, et al. Sleep disturbances and nocturnal symptoms: relationships with quality of life in a population-based sample of women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 10(12):1331-7, 2014. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.4292. PMID: 25325604; PMCID: PMC4237527.
Pedersen ER, Troxel WM, Shih RA, Pinder E, Lee D, Geyer L. Increasing resilience through promotion of healthy sleep among service members. Military Medicine. 180(1):4-6, 2015. doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-14-00264. PMID: 25562849; PMCID: PMC4356633.
Ellis JG, Deary V, Troxel WM. The role of perceived partner alliance on the efficacy of CBT-I: Preliminary findings from the Partner Alliance in Insomnia Research Study (PAIRS). Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 13(1):64-72, 2015. PMID: 24527869; PMCID: PMC4425373.
Gunn HE, Buysse DJ, Hasler BP, Begley A, Troxel WM. Sleep concordance in couples is associated with relationship characteristics. Sleep. 38(6):933-9, 2015. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4744. PMID: 25581920; PMCID: PMC4434560.
Creswell KG, Wright AG, Troxel WM, Ferrell RE, Flory JD, Manuck SB. OXTR polymorphism predicts social relationships through its effects on social temperament. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. 10(6):869-76, 2015. doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu132. PMID: 25326040; PMCID: PMC4448032.
Troxel WM, Ewing BA, D'Amico EJ. Examining racial/ethnic disparities in the association between adolescent sleep and alcohol or marijuana use. Sleep Health. 1(2):104-8, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2015.03.005. PMID: 26436131; PMCID: PMC4591872.
Hall MH, Casement MD, Troxel WM, Matthews KA, Bromberger JT, Kravitz HM, et al. Chronic Stress is Prospectively Associated with Sleep in Midlife Women: The SWAN Sleep Study. Sleep. 2015. PMID: 26039965; PMCID: PMC4576339.
Troxel WM, Hunter G, Scharf D. Say "GDNT": Frequency of Adolescent Texting at Night. Sleep Health. 2015;1(4):300-3. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2015.09.006. PMID: 26981583; PMCID: PMC4789161.
Troxel WM, Trail TE, Jaycox LH, Chandra A. Preparing for Deployment: Examining Family- and Individual-Level Factors. Mil Psychol. 2016;28(3):134-46. doi: 10.1037/mil0000110.
Troxel WM, Braithwaite SR, Sandberg JG, Holt-Lunstad J. Does Improving Marital Quality Improve Sleep? Results from a Marital Therapy Trial. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2016:1-14. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2015.1133420. PMID: 27110636.
Burg MM, King RB, Stoney CM, Troxel WM. Insights from the OppNet initiatives on psychosocial stress and sleep: themes for multidisciplinary team science research. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation. 2016;2(1):8-11. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.01.002.
Holliday SB, Haas A, Shih RA, Troxel WM. Prevalence and consequences of sleep problems in military wives. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation. 2016;2(2):116-22. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.03.004.
Troxel WM, Tucker JS, Ewing B, Miles J, D'Amico EJ. Sleepy Teens and Energy Drink Use: Results From an Ethnically Diverse Sample of Youth. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2016:1-14. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2016.1188390. PMID: 27322869; PMCID: PMC5173439.
Gunn HE, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA, Kline CE, Troxel WM. Sleep-wake concordance in couples is inversely associated with cardiovascular disease risk markers. Sleep. 2016. PubMed PMID: 27634809.
Tucker JS, Troxel WM, Ewing BA, D'Amico EJ. Alcohol Mixed with Energy Drinks: Associations with Risky Drinking and Functioning in High School. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2016.07.016. PMID: 27522534.
DeSantis A, Troxel WM, Beckman R, Ghosh-Dastidar B, Hunter G, Hale L, Buysse DJ, Dubowitz T. Is the Association between Neighborhood Characteristics and Sleep Quality Mediated by Psychological Distress? An analysis of Perceived and Objective Measures of Two Pittsburgh Neighborhoods. Sleep Health. 2016;2(4):277-82. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.08.001, NIHMSID: 819113.
Troxel WM, DeSantis A, Germain A, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA. Marital Conflict and Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in Military Couples. Health Psychology. 2017;36(1):31-4. doi: 10.1037/hea0000434. PMID: 27819459.
Richardson AS, Troxel WM, Ghosh-Dastidar MB, Beckman R, Hunter GP, DeSantis AS, Colabianchi N, Dubowitz T. One Size Doesn't Fit All: Cross-Sectional Associations Between Neighborhood Walkability, Crime and Physical Activity Depends on Age and Sex of Residents. BMC Public Health. 2017;17(1):97. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3959-z. PubMed PMID: 28103842; PMCID: 5248471.
Troxel WM, Shih RA, Ewing B, Tucker JS, Nugroho A, D'Amico EJ. Examination of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Sleep in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort of Adolescents. Health and Place. 2017;45:39-45. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.03.002. PubMed PMID: 28285183.
Gunn HE, Critchfield KL, Mackaronis JE, Rau HK, Cribbet MR, Troxel WM, Williams PG. Affiliative Interpersonal Behaviors During Stress are Associated with Sleep Quality and Presleep Arousal in Young, Healthy Adults. Sleep Health. 2017;3(2):98-101. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.12.004. PubMed PMID: 28346164.
Holliday SB, DeSantis A, Germain A, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA, Troxel WM. Deployment Length, Inflammatory Markers, and Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Military Couples. Military Medicine. 2017; 182: e1892-e1899. doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-16-00327. PMID: 28810987
Owens J, Troxel WM, Wahlstrom K. Commentary on Healthy School Start Times. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2017:13(5):761. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.6602. PubMed PMID: 28212695.
Hafner, M, Troxel, WM, Stepanek, M, Taylor, J, Stolk, CV. 0803 Why sleep matters: The macroeconomic costs of insufficient sleep. Sleep. 40(suppl_1):A297-A297, 2017.
Fillo J, Holliday SB, DeSantis A, Germain A, Buysse DJ, Matthews KA, Troxel WM. Observed Relationship Behaviors and Sleep in Military Veterans and Their Partners. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2017;51(6):879-889. doi:10.1007/s/12160-017-9911-3. PubMed PMID: 28488231.
Shih RA, Parast L, Pedersen ER, et al. Individual, peer, and family factor modification of neighborhood-level effects on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, e-cigarette, and marijuana use. Drug Alcohol Dependence. 2017;180:76-85. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.07.014. PubMed PMID: 28886395.
Troxel WM. Commentary on Keller et al, 2017: The problem with interpreting low base rate behaviors. Sleep Health. 2017;3(4):227. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2017.05.003. PubMed PMID: 28709504.
Troxel WM, Wolfson A. Sleep science and policy: a focus on school start times. Sleep Health. 2017;2(3):186. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.07.001. PubMed PMID: 2907342.
Hafner M, Stepanek M, Troxel WM. The economic implications of later school start times in the United States. Sleep Health. 2017;3(6):451-457. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2017.08.007. PubMed PMID: 29157639.
Richardson AS, Troxel WM, Ghosh-Dastidar M, et al. Pathways through which higher neighborhood crime is longitudinally associated with greater body mass index. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2017;14(1):155. doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0611-y. PubMed pmid: 29121957.
Richardson AS, Troxel WM, Ghosh-Dastidar MB, et al. (2017). One size doesn’t fit all: cross-sectional associations between neighborhood walkability, crime and physical activity depends on age and sex of residents. BMC Public Health;17:97. PMC5248471
Troxel, W. M., & Wolfson, A. R. (2017). The intersection between sleep science and policy: introduction to the special issue on school start times. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation, 3(6), 419-422. PMID: 29157634
Brooks Holliday S, Dubowitz T, Haas A, Ghosh-Dastidar B, DeSantis, A, & Troxel, WM. (2018). The association between discrimination and PTSD in African Americans: Exploring the role of gender. Ethnicity and Health, pp. 1-15.
Troxel WM, DeSantis A, Richardson AS, Beckman R, Ghosh-Dastidar B, Nugroho A, et al. Neighborhood disadvantage is associated with actigraphy-assessed sleep continuity and short sleep duration. Sleep. 2018
Berger AT, Widome R, Troxel WM. School Start Time and Psychological Health in Adolescents. Curr Sleep Medicine Rep (2018) 4: 110.
Troxel, WM, DeSantis, AS, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Hunter, G, Buysse, D, Buman, M, Hale, L, Dubowitz, T. 1055 A Preliminary Validation Study of a Composite Sleep Health Index: Associations with Psychological Distress, Obesity, and Physical Functioning. Sleep. 41(suppl_1):A392-A393, 2018.
Hale L, Troxel WM. Embracing the School Start Later Movement: Adolescent Sleep Deprivation as a Public Health and Social Justice Problem. Am J Public Health. 108:599-600, 2018.
Robbins, R., Grandner, M. A., Buxton, O. M., Hale, L., Buysse, D. J., Knutson, K. L., ... & Jean-Louis, G. Sleep myths: an expert-led study to identify false beliefs about sleep that impinge upon population sleep health practices. Sleep Health. 2019.
Troxel, W. M., Haas, A., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Richardson, A. S., Hale, L., Buysse, D. J., ... & Dubowitz, T. Food Insecurity is Associated with Objectively Measured Sleep Problems. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 2019. PMID: 31545653
Brooks Holliday, S., Dubowitz, T., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Beckman, R., Buysse, D., Hale, L., ... & Troxel, W. Do sleep and psychological distress mediate the association between neighborhood factors and pain?. Pain Medicine. 20(2): 278-289, 2018. PMID: 29767771
Flórez, K. R., Richardson, A. S., Ghosh-Dastidar, M. B., Troxel, W., DeSantis, A., Colabianchi, N., & Dubowitz, T. The power of social networks and social support in promotion of physical activity and body mass index among African American adults. SSM-population health. 4:327-333, 2018. PMID:29854917
Robbins, R., Grandner, M. A., Buxton, O. M., Hale, L., Buysse, D. J., Knutson, K. L., ... & Jean-Louis, G. Sleep myths: an expert-led study to identify false beliefs about sleep that impinge upon population sleep health practices. Sleep health. 2019. PMCID: PMC6689426
Troxel, W. M., Rodriguez, A., Seelam, R., Tucker, J. S., Shih, R. A., & D'Amico, E. J. Associations of longitudinal sleep trajectories with risky sexual behavior during late adolescence. Health Psychology. 2019. PMCID: PMC6675653
Shih, R. A., Rodriguez, A., Parast, L., Pedersen, E. R., Tucker, J. S., Troxel, W. M., ... & D'Amico, E. J. Associations Between Young Adult Marijuana Outcomes and Availability of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Storefront Signage. Addiction. 2019. PMID: 31183908
Troxel, WM, Haas, A, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Richardson, A, Buman, M, Buysse, D, Hale L, Kurka, JM, Dubowitz, T. 0204 Food Insecurity is Associated with Objectively and Subjectively Measured Sleep. Sleep. 42(Supplement_1):A83-A84, 2019.
DeSantis, A. S., Dubowitz, T., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Hunter, G. P., Buman, M., Buysse, D. J., ... & Troxel, W. M. A preliminary study of a composite sleep health score: associations with psychological distress, body mass index, and physical functioning in a low-income African American community. Sleep Health. 2019. PMCID: PMC6801051
Hale, L., Troxel, W., & Buysse, D. J. Sleep Health: An Opportunity for Public Health to Address Health Equity. Annual Review of Public Health. 41, 2020. PMID: 31900098
Baird, M. D., Schwartz, H., Hunter, G. P., Gary-Webb, T. L., Ghosh-Dastidar, B., Dubowitz, T., & Troxel, W. M. Does large-scale neighborhood reinvestment work? Effects of public–private real estate investment on local sales prices, rental prices, and crime rates. Housing Policy Debate. 1-27, 2019.
Feinstein, L, Mcwhorter, KL, Gaston, SA, Troxel, WM, Sharkey, KM, Jackson, CL. Racial/ethnic disparities in sleep duration and sleep disturbances among pregnant and non‐pregnant women in the United States. Journal of Sleep Research. 2020.
Richardson, AS, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Collins RL., Hunter, GP, Troxel, WM, Colabianchi, N, Cohen DA., Dubowitz, T. Improved street walkability, incivilities, and aesthetics are associated with greater park use in two low-income neighborhoods. Journal of Urban Health. 97(2):204-212, 2020. PMID: 31989419
Young, D. R., Sidell, M. A., Grandner, M. A., Koebnick, C., & Troxel, W. Dietary behaviors and poor sleep quality among young adult women: Watch that sugary caffeine! Sleep Health. 2020.
Troxel, WM, Hass, A, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Holliday, SB, Schwartz, H, Gary-Webb, T, Buysse, DJ, Buman, MP, Dubowitz, T. Broken Windows, Broken Zzs: Housing and Neighborhood Conditions are Associated with Objective Measures of Sleep Health. Journal of Urban Health. 97(6), 2020.
Dong, L, Dubowitz, T, Haas, A, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Holliday, SB, Buysse, D, Hale, L, Gary-Webb, T, Troxel, WM. Prevalence and correlates of obstructive sleep apnea in urban-dwelling, low-income, predominantly African-American Women. Sleep Medicine. 2020.
Palimaru, A, Brown, RA, Troxel, WM, Dickerson, DL, Johnson, CL, D’Amico, EJ. Understanding sleep facilitators, barriers, and cultural dimensions in Native American urban youth. Sleep Health. 2020.
Holliday, SB, Troxel, WM, Haas, A, Ghosh-Dastidar, M, Gary-Webb, T, Collins, R, Beckman, R, Baird, M, Dubowitz, T. Do investments in low-income neighborhoods produce objective change in health-related neighborhood conditions? Health & Place. 64:102361, 2020.
Hafner, M, Andersson, FL, Burtea, T, Stolk, CV, Whitmore, M, Yerushalmi, E, Troxel, WM. Assessing the burden of nocturia in the workplace: the associations between nocturnal voiding, subjective well-being, work engagement and productivity. Journal of Medical Economics. 2020.
Gary-Webb, T, Egnot, NS, Nugroho, A, Dubowitz, T, Troxel, WM. Changes in perceptions of neighborhood environment and Cardiometabolic outcomes in two predominantly African American neighborhoods. BMC Public Health. 20(1), 2020.
Troxel WM, Shih RA, Adamson DM, Buryk P, Gore K, Geyer L, et al. Sleep in the Armed Forces. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; WR-1042-OSD, 2014.
Troxel WM, Shih RA, Pedersen E, Geyer L, Fisher MP, Griffin BA, et al. Sleep in the Military: Promoting Healthy Sleep Among U.S. Servicemembers. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RR-739-OSD. 2015.
Troxel WM, Shih RA. Sleep Problems and Their Impact on U.S. Servicemembers: Results of a Cross-Service Survey. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RB-9823-OSD. 2015.
Shih RA, Troxel WM. Improving Sleep Health for U.S. Servicemembers: Policies, Programs, Barriers to Implementation, and Recommendations. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RB-9824-OSD. 2015.
Troxel WM, Helmus TC, Tsang F, Price CC. Evaluating the Impact of Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) on Fatigue and the Implications for Driver Safety. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RR-1057-BOSE. 2015.
Meadows SO, Tanielian T, Karney BR, Schell TL, Griffin BA, Jaycox LH, et al. How Military Families Respond Before, During and After Deployment: Findings from the RAND Deployment Life Study. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RB-9906-A/OSD. 2016.
Meadows SO, Tanielian T, Karney BR, Schell TL, Griffin BA, Jaycox LH, et al. The Deployment Life Study: Longitudinal Analysis of Military Families across the Deployment Cycle. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RR-1388-A/OSD. 2016.
Hafner M, Stepanek M, Taylor J, Troxel WM, van Stolk C. Why Sleep Matters — The Economic Costs of Insufficient Sleep: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; RR-1791-VH. 2016.
Hafner M, Stepanek M, Troxel WM. Later School Start Times in the U.S.: An Economic Analysis. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, RR-2109-RE. 2017.
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ. Measuring subjective sleep quality: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. In: Perumal, Monti, Lader & Langer (Eds.), Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics. London: Informa Healthcare, UK, Ltd., 2008.
Troxel WM, Buysse DJ. Principles of Insomnia. In: Winkelman JW, Plante D (Eds.) Foundations of Psychiatric Sleep Medicine, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 203-215, 2010.
Troxel WM: Comment: Butler and Randall's "Emotional Coregulation in Close Relationships". Emotion Review, 5(2): 211-12, 2013.
Troxel WM: Insomnia. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, Gellman MD and Turner JR (Eds), Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2012.
Troxel WM, Drerup M. Behavioral Sleep Medicine. In: Gellman MD, Turner JR, (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine. Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2012.
Troxel WM: Marital Quality and Health. In: Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, Gellman MD and Turner JR (Eds), Springer Science + Business Media, New York, 2012.
Brooks Holliday S., Troxel W. (2017) Relationship Quality: Implications for Sleep Quality and Sleep Disorders. In: McHale S., King V., Buxton O. (eds) Family Contexts of Sleep and Health Across the Life Course. National Symposium on Family Issues, vol 8. Springer