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Sleep. It’s that thing we do that takes up roughly one third of our lives—that’s if we’re lucky and actually get the eight hours of sleep per night that doctors recommend. A person who lives to be 75 will spend about 25 years, or 9,125 days of their life, asleep. And most of us sleep together. Well, not “together” as in you and me, but with a partner. Despite the coupled nature of sleep for most adults, we tend to think of sleep as an isolated, individual behavior and we think of sleep loss and sleep problems as individual problems. But any couple will tell you that sleep (or lack thereof) is a “couple-level” issue that plays a central role in the health and functioning of their relationship. This book takes a deep dive into the uncharted territory of real-world sleep, what happens when couples turn the light off and sleep together—or don’t, as is increasingly often the case.
Sharing the Covers offers solutions to two of the most sought after but elusive cornerstones of wellbeing and happiness: healthy sleep and healthy relationships. Based on Dr. Troxel’s research and clinical experience on helping develop healthy sleep and healthy relationships, the book presents real-life case studies of couples who have worked through various social, economic, health, and romantic issues that were disturbing their sleep. It provides the first comprehensive discussion of the challenges and science-backed solutions to the most common couples’ sleep problems, from sheet-stealing to snoring, and everything in between. Ultimately, it will help couples break through the vicious cycle of sleepless nights leading to relationship strife, and instead learn how to create a virtuous cycle of sound sleep supporting relationship bliss. Helping couples learn how to negotiate the night and find the sleep strategy that works best for them will improve their individual sleep, health, and the health of their relationship. If sleep is the new sex, then great sleep is the new “great sex”, and this book is the couples’ guide to make great sleep a reality.
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